Friday, May 21, 2004

I saw "Mean Girls" last night at the Harkins 25; it was really funny, and I left the movie theater feeling I should be nicer to everyone. It's the kind of movie that makes you think about all of the little social interactions (opening a door for someone, letting someone go before you, offering a smile, being kind) that you ordinarily don't even think about. The message is something like "We can be cruel and not even know it." And yet the movie is never really preachy; it's just a really well done, edgy comedy-of-manners.

I received a really nice rejection note (there is totally a difference between a "nice" rejection and a "thoughtless" rejection) from Space & Time magazine. The editor writes: "Stacey -- We are fairly booked up right now. Well written, but much too long for our magazine. Stories under 5K have the best chance of acceptance." Not exactly a revise and resubmit, but it would be in my interest to send them something else (something shorter) in the future. Kind'a nice, eh?

Well, there's a fresh pot of coffee on the counter and a miracle-working Plymouth Hemi Cuda to get to! So long, for now....


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