Thursday, May 13, 2004

Well, I talked on the phone with Susan, and she seems to be doing great. She told me about her trip to Holland and how things are going over there in Breda. I miss her so much it hurts.

I got a good day's work done, some 1,400 words toward the Epilogue. I checked all the chapter numbers and made sure everything's in order. I ran a spell checker over the whole novel. Tightening, polishing. And I just got in from taking the dogs for a walk!

The weather is really awesome here today, and I guess I'm just missing my baby. To knock away the blues, I've decided to drive into town, have dinner at Rubio's, and see a movie. Don't know what I'll see yet.

And I'm not totally sure how I feel about this blogging thing. Seems self-indulgent. Time will tell whether I stick with it. Am hungry....fading fast.....need fooood....


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