Tuesday, November 01, 2005

October 24-31st 2005 Blogs

Monday October 31, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-31-05 Audio Blog

Sunday October 30, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-30-05 Audio Blog

Friday October 28, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-28-05 Audio Blog

Thursday October 27, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-27-05 Audio Blog

I crossed the 170,000-word mark today in Dr. Plant. This is by far the longest novel I've ever written, as I've mentioned before on this blog, but I thought it would be neat to list a couple of comparisons (with links) here today.

Amazon.com offers a really cool "text stat" feature for books listed inside their Search-Inside-the-Book program, and one of the text stats listed is word count. So, here are a few long novels with their word counts listed beside them:

War and Peace: 540,853 words

The Stand: 464,218 words

The Brothers Karamazov: 384,361 words

East of Eden: 226,979 words

Watchers: 161,814 words

Of course, Dr. Plant is the third book in a trilogy, and I sometimes think of it, thus, as one part of one really long book. If I combined its current word count with the completed first two Amber Page books, the total would be 373,000 words.

Not exactly War and Peace, but not too far away from reaching The Stand either.

Of course, the one thing Steve King and Leo Tolstoy have on me: they actually managed to get published. lol


Wednesday October 26, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-26-05 Audio Blog

Man, my allergies have been kicking my butt the past 24 hours. It's times like these when I'd like to just take my nose apart, clean it out, and put it back together. Hay fever... got to love it!


Tuesday October 25, 2005
Click Here to Listen to Stacey's 10-25-05 Audio Blog

I've spent most of the morning today working on the opening chapter recording for the audio book version of Amber Page and the Legend of the Coral Stone, creating an echo-proof "studio" out of a foam egg-crate air mattress liner.

This is a high-dollar enterprise, you see:)

Got to do some writing this afternoon on Dr. Plant.

If you haven't bought a copy of The Kiribati Test, please consider it. Your purchase helps keep this enterprise alive!

Take care, good people... and feel free to drop me a line via the "comments" box up above. I always love to hear from you, Dear Reader.


Monday October 24, 2005
Click Here to Listen to My 10-24-05 Audio Blog

Hey, everybody, it's my birthday! The phone hasn't stopped ringing all morning (in fact, it rang while I was doing my first take on the audio blog, causing me to have to do two takes), so I'm just going get in here to write a few words.

Everything's cool. The weather's awesome! I'm 32 today.