December 2006 Blogs
![]() The December Photo of the Month is of my son Sam, who was born on November 30, 2006. Talk about a life-altering event... I think I now understand what people mean when they talk about how having children changes your life. Susan and I couldn't be happier, and we feel extremely blessed to have such a peaceful, healthy, happy son.
Wednesday December 27, 2006 Stacey Sunday December 24, 2006 Merry Christmas, everybody! Saturday December 23, 2006 I did manage to actually get some writing done early this morning, and I wrote some yesterday and the day before. I'm finding that with the baby, it's crucial that I write any time I get some free time. Even if it's only for an hour here, or thirty minutes there. This is different from writing where you have 3-4 hour chunks, but if I really make myself work, I keep chipping away at the new novel. It's really cool, and it's likely to be a very different novel than anything else I've ever written. The current word count on the novel I've been calling Roman Phoenix (but have re-titled Sacred Kill in the past week) is 25,665. Once I hit about 35,000 words, I'll be halfway done. It's been a fun novel to write and research. Stacey Wednesday December 20, 2006 Sunday December 17, 2006 That's my life -- right there in one photo, folks. From left to right, that's Steinbeck, Me, Zoe, Susan, and Sam (hidden in the stroller). And here's Sam in his bathrobe wide-eyed and awake... Thursday December 14, 2006 I've got some major league grading to do this weekend to finish up my English 101 for the semester. I should have some free time after that to get back to the Roman Phoenix novel. Stacey Sunday December 10, 2006 Friday December 8, 2006 Then, yesterday afternoon, I worked with my writing colleague Elisa on our most recent manuscript workshop. We discussed her novel and query letter over a late lunch. Then, I drove over to Chapel Hill, where my good friend Guy Waltz and his wife Sara treated me to pizza, and I discussed Guy's progress with his first published poetry collection. Afterwards, I drove down to Pittsboro for the Open Mic night at McIntyre's Bookstore. I spoke with the owner, and managed to get flyers set up in the store for my group bookstore event signing scheduled for January 20, 2007 at the store. I got to chat with poet Phil Morse and his wife Judith, who are just as nice as can be and are going to help get the word out about the event by putting a mention in the Fearrington Village Newsletter. Then, I drove home and got the best email that I've gotten in a while from an agent who wanted to see sample chapters from my newest novel Death Cabin. This is particularly cool because the agent just looked at the full-length manuscript for Claws, and so to be asking to see a partial for Death Cabin feels like a step in the right direction. So, I got started working on doing one last edit on the manuscript, and I hope to have the package out by the end of the weekend. Today, I received another positive response from another agent on yet another manuscript of mine The Colorado Sequence. I made a short video of my reading that response...
Wednesday December 6, 2006 Enjoy it, man...
Monday December 4, 2006 For those folks who've been following this most recent barrage of literary agency queries, this video might be of interest to you. My goal is to 1) either land a literary agent, or 2) to query 450 by New Years for my novel The Colorado Sequence. So far, I've queried 142. So that means I've got about 300 to go. Today, I bought 60 more stamps for the next round, and the new toner cartridge arrived last week. So, I should begin putting that next round together in the coming days. This video is of me going through a stack of rejection letters. It ends with me finding a positive response from a literary agent!
Friday December 1, 2006 5:43 P.M. -- Here are two more photographs of Sam. 11:44 A.M. -- One last video of Sam. This is from last night in the hospital room... 10:29 A.M. -- I've just uploaded this video of Sam. He was about fifteen minutes old, and we were in the hallway just outside of the operating room. 9:24 A.M. -- Well, Susan, Sam, and I are doing very well this morning. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I've got some numbers and another photo. Sam was born at 6:26 P.M. November 30, 2006. He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and he was born one week early. Had we not induced labor and had he gone the full term, he would have likely weighed more than nine pounds. His head size is above the 90th percentile, and that attributed to his needing a C-section birth.
Thursday November 30, 2006 11:14 P.M. -- We've got the first baby photographs of Samuel... Here's Susan and Samuel... And me and my boy... I'll be getting a couple of videos up hopefully by morning. Stacey
7:21 P.M. -- The baby is here! 8 pounds, 11 ounces. More later... 5:54 P.M. -- We're going to be leaving for surgery in about five minutes. I thought you guys might like to see this video I took of Susan earlier today.
5:19 P.M. -- We're going to be going in for a C-section. The surgery is scheduled for about 6:00 P.M., and it should last about 60-90 minutes. The baby looks fine on the monitors, but he was not descending well enough, so the doctor wants to go ahead and get him out. I'll be right there beside Susan. 4:21 P.M. -- I've got my hands full right this minute, but I thought I would give you a quick update. Susan is in enough pain that she doesn't want me asking her how much pain she's in. The contractions are coming about every 90 seconds to 2 minutes, and they seem to be very intense. 1:44 P.M.-- The contractions are now coming pretty steadily every two minutes. In the past hour, the intensity of pain at the peak of each contraction has increased to a "6" on a 1-to-10 scale, Susan says. The following two photographs came from about 90 minutes ago, before the pain intensified... 11:32 A.M. -- The contractions are now coming every 2-4 minutes. Susan rates the pain at a 4.5 on a 1-to-10 scale. 9:24 A.M. -- Susan and I are in our hospital room. I have my laptop and our wireless internet card, and so I'll be able to get these press releases out throughout the day. Here's a picture of Susan just a few minutes ago...
Wednesday November 29, 2006 Today, I've been working through the edits on Roman Phoenix, as well as those on Death Cabin to keep from thinking too much about the coming baby. Stacey Tuesday November 28, 2006 The doctors have decided to induce labor for Susan beginning Wednesday (i.e., tomorrow) night. That means that the baby will be here Thursday or Friday at the latest. If you're the praying type, please say a prayer for her and I. If you're not, just keep us in your thoughts. This is our first baby. I should have pictures by the weekend of the new family! Stacey Saturday November 25, 2006
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